OK so i tried the Zombie survival game DayZ, which is based off of an old (like 3 or 4 years) army simulator on the computer, its a first person shooter called Arma. Well the game isn't bad at all but its still rough around the edges. The main problem is as soon as DayZ announced they would publish a Stand-Alone client and stop being a Mod (Modified Game Format) of Arma 2, another competing company came out with WarZ (pretty much the same idea with a few differences) and now like a fat kid in a bakery i am torn between two lovers.
WarZ seems to have way better graphics, its a bit more organized, and its set in Colorado! Downside is it kinda looks like a scam because there is no technical data and the developer's site doesn't exist (the developers MAKE the game in case you didn't know)
DayZ on the other hand has the original idea going for it, it has a PLAYABLE copy, with a very loyal fan base so far, the down site is for a REALISTIC survival game it isn't very realistic, the zombies just come flying out of nowhere, the game engine blows and its set in Russia. OK, pushing all that other stuff off to the side, RUSSIA? The Russians barely had a reason to keep living and functioning like people, and now you add zombies? who the fuck would want to survive that?
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