Friday, December 28, 2012

If the world were mine

 If the world were mine, it would always be winter with lights in the trees
  snowing so gently with a warm summer breeze.
 the rain would be warm and your socks always dry.
 we would all speak one language with no words for "good bye"
 if the world were mine, just for a day
 the grass would be emerald, like a pasture in may
 the beaches would bubble, and we'd play in the foam
 but alas it is not, you'll have to settle for a poem.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Rich v. Poor

 I'm not sure if this is due to ample free time at odd hours of the day but i have come to the conclusion that the same situations exist today as they did throughout the past. The Wealthy people of our time still control the mass peasantry of the world through taxes, laws, and currencies. Back then they were Kings, or Doctors, or Well-to-do Merchants with political connections. These days they are CEOs and Law Firms, and collective trusts of deuch-bags. Doesn't it concern you that at one time a single Police officer was well respected in the community and had some sway, and NOW it is "easier" to be one and they hold practically no sway. Doctors back in the day were demi-gods in their influence, these days they are 9-5'ers like the rest of  us. Has nobody noticed that the level of "poor" was just sliced into two, one called lower class and one called middle? Both are pretend classes to make the middle class happy and give the lower class something obtainable that doesn't threaten the "Upper class". Middle class thinks they are so well off. You are eating processed junk, your Star Bucks Tea was not brewed it was processed into syrup. Your 42 inch Flat Screen TV, is made of inferior parts placed together with inferior materials, same as your clothes, and your car. The "Upper Class" is controlling the peasantry through commercial means, they feed you various options between equally crappy pieces of junk, get the Ipad 2 or the Kindle Fire, both are useless, both are meant to placate you, and satisfy your need for respect and power with just another shiny toy.

Use your brain and think about it. In the past the masses were controlled with fear and religion. These days you are controlled but giving you what you THINK you want. They give you McDonalds and Wal-mart and Sony Playstation. Do you REALLY want those things? Or do you want something else and settled for this? The majority of our population doesnt even vote anymore, how disgusting is that? You'd rather eat a 1/4 pounder with extra grease, than decide the fate of your own nation. get OFF your couch and go OUTSIDE. Be a part of the society that is trying to push you away. The Wealthy give you the choice of A or B, well i pick fuckin C every time and so should you.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Eulogy of a Cell Phone

We are gathered here today to mourn the passing of my 5 month life Cell Phone battery pack. Although experts and specialists in the field told me this "battery pack" would last only 5 months then would need replacing, it went strong. My cellphone pulled through this terminal illness to seek adventure with my comrads and I surviving a whopping extra year of faithful service before finally drawing its last surge of energy on february 12th 2006 at exactly 2:13pm. It was in intensive care hooked up to power support systems when at 5:43 pm we finally decided to pull the plug.
My phone was a good phone, a proud phone. A phone that allowed free nights and weekends after 7, with unlimited texting and no roaming charges, but roam it did, far and wide, across vast distances unbarred by "dead zones" and "weather complications". The phone fought valiently until its bitter end. so we sit here at our computers paying our last respects to "stott's cell phone, leave a message after the beep" if anyone has any last respects they would like to say, please speak now.....

Ashes to ashes
circuits to circuits
coast to coast
we will now give this battery pack its proper rights with a formal burial at sea, on the date of the 26th of February, god bless and we will meet again at radioshak...err heaven.

To Flave, or not to Flave

              So the on-going world changing debate continues. and i dont mean presidential or otherwise. i mean the debate about whether it is uncouth to approach women at their workplace. My sisters (who know nothing about the brain functions of normal women) say it is a compliment to hit on women where they work. I on the other hand, think it is quite crude and very uncalled for. There have been a couple of times i saw a girl in class or at work that i would very much like to talk to, but these venues are very inappropriate in my opinion. Lets get a couple of opinions and revisit this.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

DayZ DayZ tell me you love me, do!

OK so i tried the Zombie survival game DayZ, which is based off of an old (like 3 or 4 years) army simulator on the computer, its a first person shooter called Arma. Well the game isn't bad at all but its still rough around the edges. The main problem is as soon as DayZ announced they would publish a Stand-Alone client and stop being a Mod (Modified Game Format) of Arma 2, another competing company came out with WarZ (pretty much the same idea with a few differences) and now like a fat kid in a bakery i am torn between two lovers.

WarZ seems to have way better graphics, its a bit more organized, and its set in Colorado! Downside is it kinda looks like a scam because there is no technical data and the developer's site doesn't exist (the developers MAKE the game in case you didn't know)

DayZ on the other hand has the original idea going for it, it has a PLAYABLE copy, with a very loyal fan base so far, the down site is for a REALISTIC survival game it isn't very realistic, the zombies just come flying out of nowhere, the game engine blows and its set in Russia. OK, pushing all that other stuff off to the side, RUSSIA? The Russians barely had a reason to keep living and functioning like people, and now you add zombies? who the fuck would want to survive that?

Time for $ome Change

Just to be cute someone recently asked me "Remember when the Elderly had something meaningful to contribute to society?" to which I replied in the most delicate way possible (for me) "Yes i remember when the Old Folks had something to contribute, it was called a fucking WILL".."Boom!"

The Old and the Ugly

The Resident Evil movie franchise is like Old Pap-Pap in the nursing home: Every time you see him he is doing worse than the last time but he says he is doing better, and the whole time you are like "Jesus Pap-Pap, just fucking die already" -Me

Thursday, September 6, 2012


I remember a while back (Yes im getting moderately old) when bars used to be fun. Back when they had real bands and real music, and real people went there. These days you go to a "pub" and its blasting rap music and its full of what we in the business call "D-bags". What happened to that bar you could go shoot pool at and actually HEAR each other talk? The bar where you didnt have to worry about some drunk dumbass ruining your night. Where drinks were only slightly overpriced instead of obscenely? I found that bar again, it's called my house: I drink there undisturbed, there are no "D-bags" unless you consider me one, then there are one or two there, but they are regulars. The music at my bar is always good, and if a fight starts, its probably for a pretty good reason. I refuse to go out to the bars these days it has turned into a carnival freak show of people who are full of themselves vs people who have something to prove. So i might see you out on the town if i'm babysitting, otherwise ill see you at my regular bar.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Military Vs. Family

I had two revelations while brushing my teeth a moment ago. 1. I don't remember the last time i saw a dentist, i need to get Dental Coverage. 2. Your family raises you to be dependent on others, and to sacrifice what you want for their needs and then expects you to survive on your own. The Military trains you to be self-sufficient and responsible, and then demands that you work with a bunch of other people trained like-wise.